Join us in serving the city of Salem

Lifebridge north shore

3rd monday of every month (4:00-6:00pm)

We are honored to serve alongside and partner with Lifebridge in downtown Salem in housing the homeless, serving meals, and providing tangibly for those in need.

Volunteers from our church cook & serve dinner on the third Monday of each month. If you’d like to serve alongside us, please call or email us.

The Salem Pantry

Tuesday-Saturday (shifts throughout the day)

We love to mobilize volunteers from our church to go and serve with the Salem Pantry at their storefront pantry on Leavitt Street. Shifts are 2-hours & are available ongoing throughout the week from Tuesday through Saturday. Oftentimes you will serve alongside folks from this church! Contact us or click the link below to learn more.


Mollie C.

Campus minister, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship North Shore

Mollie has been called to love and serve college students on the North Shore. Mollie is passionate about journeying alongside these students as they explore their faith and its intersection with their calling. Through cultivating a community on a campus that is centered around God's word and purposes, students are transformed and sent to be agents of healing, hope, justice, and beauty in this world.

Our church supports Mollie in her ministry on campus, and is consistently praying about ways to best serve and bless college students in our city.



Amirah exists to provide aftercare, resources, and opportunities to women who have survived different forms of sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, and prostitution. They offer residential recovery opportunities, organize outreach efforts, and educate communities, providers, and policy makers on the unique challenges victims and survivors face in the Northeastern United States.

Our church is honored to financially support Amirah, and help with service projects throughout the year.