
Mega Meals (Luke 9:10-17)

In this famous passage, the story shifts slightly from Jesus around a table to now Jesus out in a field with thousands of people. After a long day of teaching and learning, how will the day end? Jesus provides an amazing meal for every person. But what does this teach us for today? Listen in today to discover what Jesus is inviting us into and where true satisfaction is found.

Come Meet My Friends (Luke 5:27-32)

There's no greater theme in the gospel of Luke than Jesus sitting around a table with other people. Listen in today to the first of 6 stories we'll walk through that detail how Jesus interacts with people over a shared meal. How does Jesus get to your table? Who would be at that table with you? What is Jesus's heart towards you and your friends?

Spiritual Blessing (Ephesians 1:1-14)

What does it mean to "love this city"? That's the question we're going to be asking & answering throughout this new series in the book of Ephesians. Today, we zoom in on the reality of the amazing spiritual blessings we have received through faith in Jesus and, more importantly, what the purpose of receiving them is. In short, we are blessed only so that we can be a blessing to others as well.

The Story (Genesis to Revelation)

The power of stories cannot be overstated in our modern world. From Netflix to Harry Potter to children’s books, we are captivated by stories. What are the stories that have captured your heart and soul? This sermon begins a new series on the surprising Story of all stories, the one which brings hope to all people. Listen in today as we see how the Story of the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, beautifully intersects with each of our lives today and surprises us with grace upon grace.

The Story of God & Evil (Jonah 1:1-2)

As we begin a new 11-week series in the Old Testament story of Jonah, we ask ourselves, who is the book of Jonah actually all about? Listen in today as we learn from just the first 2 verses about the heart of the pursuing God, the reality of evil, and how God uses a prodigal, flawed prophet to not only bring Good News to an enemy city... but also to change the heart of the man himself.