
When the Story Comes to Life (Luke 24:13-35)

All of us walk the road of suffering at times in our life. What do we need most in those times? A listening ear, an encouraging word, a table of food and drink. Listen in today as Mike Lilley teaches us about an amazing story of the resurrected Jesus appearing to two weary walkers, and how he brings the Story of all stories to life to them.

The Purpose of Your Table (Luke 14:1-14)

In this passage, Jesus has particular and pointed things to say to people who are suspicious of him, people who are in places of privilege, and to hosts of fancy parties. What is he speaking to you through these challenging words? Listen in today and see how Jesus's upside-down, inside-out comments resonate with your heart.

Mega Meals (Luke 9:10-17)

In this famous passage, the story shifts slightly from Jesus around a table to now Jesus out in a field with thousands of people. After a long day of teaching and learning, how will the day end? Jesus provides an amazing meal for every person. But what does this teach us for today? Listen in today to discover what Jesus is inviting us into and where true satisfaction is found.

The Table of Transformation (Luke 7:36-50)

In this story today we are introduced to two characters - a religious elite named Simon and an unnamed "sinful" woman. Who is welcome at Jesus's table? Who is the real host of this meal and who is received by the guest of honor? Listen in today as we have our assumptions challenged and as we learn how this applies to God's global heart.

Come Meet My Friends (Luke 5:27-32)

There's no greater theme in the gospel of Luke than Jesus sitting around a table with other people. Listen in today to the first of 6 stories we'll walk through that detail how Jesus interacts with people over a shared meal. How does Jesus get to your table? Who would be at that table with you? What is Jesus's heart towards you and your friends?

Burning Hearts (Luke 24:13-35)

What really is the true story behind the person of Jesus? This is the question 2 sad people were asking as they walked home from Jerusalem after Easter 2,000 years ago. Maybe this is one of your questions as well. Before believing in the great hope of the resurrection, our curiosity must lead us to answer this question. Listen in today as we hear this first story about how Jesus Himself comes to us and meets us in our deepest questions of life.

True Spirituality: Beauty and the Cross (Luke 15:11-32)

Humans are all beauty-seeking creatures. We love sunsets, delicious foods, the smell of spring flowers and so much more. But what is true beauty? Listen today to a well-known parable of Jesus, where He unveils for us the pursuing love of the Father.

True Spirituality: Authenticity and the Cross (Luke 18:9-14)

Authenticity is something we all are longing for. We all want to be the real, genuine version of ourself. But how can I be truly me, and not some phony, fake version of myself? In this stirring parable today, Jesus shows how true life is found. Once again, in a surprising twist, Jesus shows that it's not by accomplishing something that we find ourselves. Rather, it is by acknowledging what we can never be. Listen in to today's sermon to learn more about the way of humility that Jesus so beautifully reveals.