
Fearless (Ephesians 6:10-20)

What should we think about the unseen spiritual world? How should we properly consider the reality of spiritual warfare? For many of us, the mere idea of a spiritual battle brings fear. So listen in today as we consider how this text helps us to live fearlessly for the cause of Jesus in our city of Salem.

Artwork mentioned - "The Release from Deception" (by Italian sculptor Francesco Queirolo in 1759)

Book quoted from with regards to the armor of God in Ephesians 6:14-17 - "The Invisible War" (by Chip Ingram)

Everyone (Ephesians 2:11-22)

What changed when Jesus died on the cross? As we listen to Paul's teaching in Ephesians 2:11-22, we realize that everything has changed because now truly all people are invited into the story of redemption. Listen in today as we learn about the dividing wall that has been knocked down and what that means for you and me today.

One (John 15:1-15; Galatians 2:20)

When you dress up for Halloween, you get to walk around & take on that identity for a short time by wearing a costume. That concept gets us halfway to understanding the full totality of what it means to have union with Christ. Listen in today as we learn more about one of the greatest theological truths in the Scriptures and why it is life-changing for us today.

More Than Missions (Psalm 108)

If missions is one of the greatest purposes of the church, what possibly could be more than missions? Listen in to Psalm 108 today, on this being one of our "Missions Emphasis Sundays", and hear how the worship of the Living Creator God is even our deeper calling in life. More than missions, our hearts, mouths, and perspective sings to the God who has a promise that sings through the ages.

Good From the Beginning (Psalm 104)

Psalm 104 assumes that there is a Creator of the whole universe and everything we see around us. But even deeper, what kind of Creator is it? Listen in today as we learn not only about the assumption of a Creator, but about what kind of person He is, and how we fall into a few common traps that cause us to miss the goodness of who He is.

Why the Church Can Work (Psalm 79)

The purpose of the church, or even religion itself, is often discussed in the modern world. As we listen to an admittedly "brutal Psalm" today in Psalm 79, what possible hope can we gather from Israel's defeat at the hands of Babylon in 586 BC? What we discover is a heartfelt reflection on something we admittedly misunderstand about God (his jealousy), something we love about what God can give (his forgiveness), and something we all cry for throughout the ages (his justice). But we learn something even more important - we learn about the community he is redeeming for the world and why it works still even today.