
Big (Ephesians 3:14-21)

The love of God expressed in Ephesians 3:14-21 is BIG. In this extravagant prayer by Paul, we see that there is a measurelessness to God's love for us, and that not only makes us feel known and loved, but it should also spur us to pray similarly BIG prayers to God for others. Listen in today as we learn a few BIG prayers to pray for the city of Salem.

The Seasoning of the Kingdom (Colossians 4:2-6)

We can all probably think of some of our favorite foods and meals we've had in life. Is it just the ingredients that make them special or rich, or is it more so about the seasoning that accompanies them? Listen in today as we apply that same logic to some of the core practices (or "ingredients") of the Kingdom of God, and learn from Paul what flavor-filled seasoning brings those practices to life.

Christ's Kingdom (Colossians 1:1-14)

What is it about kingdoms that draws us? Disney princesses, the British royal family, and towering castles... they are alluring and enduring in our imaginations. Listen in today as we begin a new series in the book of Colossians, and learn together about the one, true and lasting real Kingdom. What does it mean to live for this Kingdom in the here and now? Explore with us together this fall.

True Spirituality: Silence and the Cross (Matthew 13:10-17)

In a noisy world, we all are beginning to realize the profound place that silence should play in our lives. We need quiet, reflective moments to sustain us. But what is true silence? What does God want to teach about our longing for silence? Listen in today as we learn from Jesus the purpose of parables, and discover the true "sound of silence" that leads to a deep prayer life with the Living God who hears.

The Church: Unique in the World (Acts 2:42-47)

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The earliest Church must have looked really strange in the Roman Empire. Selling their houses and meeting together every day? Giving generously to the poor and the outcasts? All this (and more) is what makes the Church unique in the world. Listen in today to learn more about how these earliest believers in Jesus uniquely came together to form a fellowship that would change the world forever.

The Church: Organized for a Purpose (Acts 1:12-26)

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As the earliest disciples await the coming of the promised Holy Spirit, a clear question emerges - "What now???" It is in this in-between passage - after Jesus' ascension and before the Holy Spirit's coming - that the Church begins to be organized. In this sermon, we learn that the Church can best and most freely witness to a watching world when it is organized under God’s clear leading.

Maundy Thursday | Jesus: The Sorrowful Savior (Mark 14:32-42)


Sorrow. A word we love to flee from. As we zoom into the Garden of Gethsemane experience of Jesus and His disciples after the Last Supper, we see what makes those around Jesus sorrowful. But then we see Jesus. Jesus is filled with sorrow in His soul. Join us as Jesus shows us the way of sorrow in our soul that leads to hope.