
Peace Over Division (Luke 2:22-38; Colossians 3:12-17)

We live in a divided world, both on an individual level and as a larger society. Why is this the case? What can prevent it? These are important questions, but not the ones that the birth of Jesus ultimately answers. When God became human in the person of Jesus, he instead answered another question - how can peace come in the midst of division and restore beauty and unity to us? Listen in today to this Christmas Eve sermon and find the hope of peace for you.

Peace Over Fear (Luke 2:8-21; Philippians 4:4-7)

In the Christmas story, the shepherds were terrified when the angels appeared to them announcing the birth of Jesus. Likewise, each of us can find ourselves full of fear throughout our lives. But as the angel told the shepherds to "Fear not" and that "peace on earth" was coming, so too is the peace of God offered to us. Listen in today as we learn more about how to face fear in our daily lives and find the peace of God to be everything we need.

World Peace (Luke 1:67-80; John 10:34-39)

Most everyone thinks world peace is a good thing. But what exactly is real peace for the world? As we walk into the Christmas season together we will learn the depths of the peace of God offered in the person of Jesus Christ. Today, listen to Jesus's challenging words on what he came to bring, and how it really is a profound peace like no other.

Home For Christmas: Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)

Where were you born? Your birthplace, in one way or another, comes to define you. This week, we dive into learning more about Jesus' birthplace - little & insignificant Bethlehem, the city of David. What does Bethlehem teach us about the heart of God? Listen in this week as we see together how God loves to uplift the "littles" of the world.

Home For Christmas: Heaven (Revelation 21:1)

Today marks the beginning of Advent, the season of "Arrival" remembering Jesus' first coming at his birth and longing for his second coming. As we begin this new 4-week series, we tap into that "longing" today that each of us feels deep within - a longing for our true, eternal HOME. Listen in today as we connect the dots from the baby in the manger to the New Heavens and New Earth coming for those who trust in Jesus.